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File Formats

There are many different file formats, and while I don’t quite know them all, I do understand their general concepts. The first is JPEG, which is compressed as the shot is being taken, resulting in a lower-quality image but allowing the image to take up less storage space. They can be utilized on almost every kind of gadget. Apple created the HEIF file format specifically for iPhones. They provide at least as good of quality as JPEGs and are simpler to transfer because they take up less space. TIFFs are uncompressed files that are mostly used for editing. They take up a lot of storage space and are not always a choice to shoot in. While taking up a lot of storage space, RAW files are remarkably similar to TIFFs in the way that they facilitate editing. When it comes to taking images of the highest quality, they are your greatest option. DNGs are a means to preserve certain images when their file format (like raw files) becomes unusable. They are a useful method of photo archiving. PNG files are a very popular type of file that is frequently used when posting pictures to the internet. They still have good quality even though their file sizes are a little bit larger than JPEGs. Most often, small looping videos are sent as GIFs. They are bad for photos with lots of color because they only support 256 colors. Microsoft created BMPs, which prevent image compression by storing each color as a separate pixel. This results in a greater file size for this file format. Last but not least, PSDs are a file format that Photoshop mostly uses. They save distinct layers but can be flattened to reduce their file size. All of these are extremely simple explanations of file formats and their applications.

zhssamuel2025 • September 14, 2023

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